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Soyuz TMA : Taxi to ISS and back
- Video Online + Tape
- Title Soyuz TMA : Taxi to ISS and back
- Released: 17/09/2003
- Length 00:06:08
- Language English
- Footage Type Documentary
- Copyright ESA
- Description
On October 18 2003, Spanish ESA astronaut was launched on a ten day mission to the International Space Station. This exchange provides the background on the Soyus TMA, the lifeboat of the ISS in wich he will be travelling into space. This is the third launch of an improved version of the Soyus TM, with more space and higher payload capability. This capsues are currently the only means to shuttle crews back and forth the ISS.
This Exchange comprises of a 5 minute A-roll with split audio (english commentary/international sound) and is complimented by a 8 minute B-roll with clean international sound.Soyuz TMA : Taxi to the ISS and back.
On 18 October a Russian built Soyuz TMA spacecraft will be taking off from Baikonur in Russia on a mission to the ISS, the International Space Station.
Aboard will be a Spanish ESA Astronaut, Pedro Duque, taking part in the Cervantes mission sponsored by the Spanish government. Also aboard will be Russian Cosmonaut Alexander Kaleri and British-born NASA astronaut Michaele Foale, whoÕll become the next resident crew on the ISS, whilst Duque will return to Earth with the current ISS crew, ten days after the launch.
The Soyuz TMA-3 is the 7th Soyuz Spacecraft to travel to the ISS. As part of an international agreement between Russia, Europe, the US, Canada and Japan, Russia is responsible for supplying the International Space Station with Soyuz Lifeboat craft. .
Safety rules require the Soyuz vehicles to be replaced every six months with a new model. The TMA-3 will be used to replace the TMA-2 thatÕs currently attached