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YEAR: 2004 (146 VIDEOS)
- Saving Private Hubble
- Released: 17/09/2004
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- Delta Compilation
- Released: 13/04/2004
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- ESA Corporate Video 2004
- Released: 30/08/2004
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- Cassini-Huygens b-roll
- Released: 02/06/2004
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- Cassini Science On The Eve of the Titan flyby
- Released: 12/10/2004
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- Cassini Animations and Voyager Animations NASA
- Released: 05/02/2004
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- Progress in Baikonur 1
- Released: 27/01/2004
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- 7th ESA Student Parabolic Flight Campaign - 2004
- Released: 01/07/2004
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- Vol 163 Ariane 5 Anik F2 Film Campagne
- Released: 20/07/2004
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- GENESIS sample return - crash down
- Released: 08/09/2004
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