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First Spectacular results from Mars Express
- Video Tape only
- Title First Spectacular results from Mars Express
- Released: 10/02/2004
- Language English
- Footage Type
- Copyright ESA
- Description
Mars Express, ESA's first mission to Mars, has been producing stunning results since its first instrument was switched on. The significane of even this very first data became apparent at the press conference on 23 January 2004, where it zas revealed that the OMEGA instrument had confirmed the presence of water ice on Mars. Ths information was confirmed by another instrument on Mars Express, the PFS, a high-resolution spectrometer of unprecedent accuracy.
Seven minutes A-roll with split audio (english commentary/international sound) adn is complimented by a B -roll with clean international soundFirst spectacular results from Mars Express
(ESOC Darmstadt Press Conference 23/1/2004)
A month after reaching the red planet, Mars Express is more than fulfilling all its promises. At a special event at ESA's Space Operations Centre in Darmstadt Germany, the Principal Science Investigators have been able to present exceptional first results.
Insert Prof. David Southwood - ESA Director of Science
Start: ""I must emphasise first results..
End: ""and therefore we're seeing new things.""
Two key elements of the mission's science objectives are: global mapping and the search for water. In both respects, Mars Express has already obtained spectacular data.
On 18th January, OMEGA, the combined camera and infrared spectrometer, developped by France's Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale at Orsay near Paris, mapped the south polar cap of Mars - in local summertime conditions.
The data provides proof that H20, in the form of waterice, is present o