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10th Anniversary of EAC (European Astronaut Centre)
- Video Online only
- Title 10th Anniversary of EAC (European Astronaut Centre)
- Released: 02/08/2004
- Length 00:19:26
- Language International Sound
- Footage Type Index
- Copyright ESA
- Description
On the 10 May 2000 was the 10th Anniversary of the European Astronaut Centre (EAC) in Cologne, Germany. This video contains footage of the EAC, interviews of astronauts and footage from missions. The vide includes very good footage including the following:
- EAC tour, with MIR Simulator, Columbus training module and Shuttle model (0:48)
- ESA’s neutral buoyancy training pool (2:05)
- ESA astronaut Reiter training in the COF simulator at EAC (2:26)
- Graphic video animation overview of the International Space Station (3:17)
- STS-103 Shuttle Hubble Repair Mission in 1999 with several nice videos of Extra Vehicle Activity (EVA) and with ESA astronauts Claude Nicollier from Switzerland and Jean-Francois Clervoy from France as Mission Specialists (3:39)
- STS-95 Shuttle mission with wide range of science experiments in 1998, with ESA astronaut Pedro Francisco Duque from Spain (4:15)
- Euromir mission 94 in 1994 and Euromir mission 95 in 1995, with ESA’s first astronaut Ulf Merbold from Germany on Euromir 94, and ESA astronaut Thomas Reiter from Germany on Euromir 95 (4:58)
- Spacelab 1983-1996 (6:49), with among others ESA astronaut Ulf Merbold (7:10)
- Testing of Europe’s first astronauts in the 1970’s (7:46)
- Interview with Jőrg Bűechl, ESA Director Manned Spaceflight and Microgravity (8:36)
- Interview with Prof. Ernst Messerschmid, ESA Head of European Astronaut Centre (10:26)
- Interview with ESA Astronaut Umberto Guidoni from Italy; in Italian (12:00)
- Interview with Jean-Pierre Haignéré, ESA Head of Astronaut Division, from France; partially in French (13:19)
- Interview with Jean-Francois Clervoy from France, ESA Astronaut; partially in French (14:49)
- Interview with Leopold Eyharts from France, ESA Astronaut; partially in French (16:48)
- Interview with Paolo Nespoli from Italy, ESA Astronaut; partially in Italian (18:04)