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ESOC European Space Operations Centre
- Video Online + Tape
- Title ESOC European Space Operations Centre
- Released: 11/01/2005
- Length 00:04:48
- Language English
- Footage Type Documentary
- Copyright ESA
- Description
Not available
SHOTLIST for A and B-roll
10 00 30 Title: ESOC ñ European Space Operations Centre
10 00 40 general view of a control room
10 00 43 launch of spacecraft (2 shots)
10 00 51 experts working in the control room of ESOC in Darmstadt, Germany.
10 00 56 animation showing separation process of spacecraft
10 01 02 control room and experts working (2 shots)
10 01 08 recording machine
10 01 11 control room at ESOC (2 shots)
10 01 16 animation showing spacecraft deployment and orbit (2 shots)
10 01 30 experts monitoring screens (3 shots)
10 01 38 exterior views of ESOC (2 shots)
10 01 45 exterior and interior views of ESAís ground station in Vilafranca,
Spain (2 shots)
10 01 53 antenna at the Kiruna ground station, in Sweden
10 01 58 meeting at ESOC (2 shots)
10 02 06 graphics on screen (2 shots)
10 02 11 experts communicating with spacecraft
10 02 16 animation of satellite in orbit
Space debris images from Tapes
9 and 10. Graphics showing
concentration of space debris
around the earth + graphics
showing deterioration pr