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Giove Launch 28 dec 2005 Live ESA TV program
- Video Tape only
- Title Giove Launch 28 dec 2005 Live ESA TV program
- Released: 28/12/2005
- Language English
- Footage Type Documentary
- Copyright ESA
- Description
TC in 00.00.01 Beginning Tape: views of Soyuz with Giove on board at launch pad
TC 00.10.30 Beginning of program
Contains Giove and Galileo animations, live launch footage, itv's with responsibles at SSTL control room, footage of preparations and of the integration of Giove and the Soyuz launcher, etc
TC 00.30.00 launch of Giove. During this first footage of the launch (with sound), there are some drops during the feed.
TC 00.49.35 replay of the launch of Giove. Image is fine now, but no sound.
TC 00.52.20 End of the program
TC 01.10.50 End of the tapeNot available