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Astrolab Mission Highlights B-Roll 2 August 2006 Number 2
- Video Tape only
- Title Astrolab Mission Highlights B-Roll 2 August 2006 Number 2
- Released: 02/08/2006
- Language
- Footage Type
- Copyright ESA
- Description
On 6 July 2006, German ESA astronaut Thomas Reiter joined the permanent ISS Expedition 13 Crew.
ESA-TV provides weekly ISS-Astrolab Highlights featuring the best images received during the past seven days.
This week's highlights will focus on the space walk of Reiter on 3 August, the preparation of which occupied a good part of the Expedition 13 Crew activities in the last days. The highlights will also include part of the 3-D animations and background and training footage NASA released last week during the EVA media briefing.
The dope sheet for the B-roll will be online later today under
The space walk itself will last for more than six hours until late evening of 3 August. For this reason, ESA-TV will not provide any live coverage but instead, a longer-than-usual NASA-TV ISS mission commentary on 4 August, with a full EVA summary.Not available