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Astrolab Mission Highlights B-Roll 30 August 2006 Nr 6
- Video Tape only
- Title Astrolab Mission Highlights B-Roll 30 August 2006 Nr 6
- Released: 30/08/2006
- Language
- Footage Type
- Copyright ESA
- Description
On 6 July 2006, German ESA astronaut Thomas Reiter joined the permanent ISS Expedition 13 Crew.
ESA-TV provides weekly ISS-Astrolab Highlights featuring the best images received during the past seven days.
This week's highlights will cover inter alia the following:
- Preparations of the ISS Crew for the arrvial of the (now postponed) Shuttle Mission, STS-115
- Images of tropical storm Ernesto taken by the ISS Crew
- Highlights of an in-flight event on 27 August where Thomas Reiter spoke live with the German Minister of Defence, Franz-Josef Jung, at an Open Door Event of the German government in Berlin.
A detailed dope sheet for the B-roll will be online early on 30 August under available