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Astrolab Mission Highlights B-Roll 29 September 2006 Nr 9
- Video Tape only
- Title Astrolab Mission Highlights B-Roll 29 September 2006 Nr 9
- Released: 29/09/2006
- Language
- Footage Type
- Copyright ESA
- Description
On 6 July 2006, German ESA astronaut Thomas Reiter joined the permanent ISS Expedition 13 Crew.
ESA-TV provides weekly ISS-Astrolab Highlights featuring the best images received during the past seven days.
This week's highlights will focus on the Soyuz crew rotation mission which exchanged Reiter's crew mates and comes to an end tonight:
- Pre-launch preparations, walk-out to launch pad, launch of Expedition 14 Crew
- Docking, ingress into the ISS, operations handover actvities, ISS Change of Command Ceremony (with Th. Reiter participation)
- Activities of ""space tourist"" Anousheh Ansari in the ISS
- Farewell ceremony and landing of Expedition 13 Crew in Kazachstan
A detailed dope sheet for the B-roll will be online early on 16 August under available
- Length 05:15:00
- Commercial Use No
- Producer Kai Zessner
- Executive News Equipe