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Christer Fuglesang-Houston training october 2006
- Video Tape only
- Title Christer Fuglesang-Houston training october 2006
- Released: 31/10/2006
- Language
- Footage Type
- Copyright ESA
- Description
10:00:00 10:00:04 00:04 Title: Christer Fuglesang Briefing at NBL.
10:00:05 10:00:31 00:26 Shots and close upís of individuals in briefing room.
10:00:32 10:00:36 00:04 Title: Christer Fuglesang and Robert Curbeam into space suits by the pool.
10:00:35 10:01:13 00:38 Christer and Robert getting into their suits by the pool.
10:01:14 10:01:19 00:05 Title: I/V Christer Fuglesang in Swedish for Childrensí Channel.
10:01:20 10:03:10 01:50 Close up head shot of Christer talking to interviewer.
10:03:11 10:03:16 00:05 Title: I/V Christer Fuglesang in English on Training.
10:03:17 10:03:46 00:29 Christer speaking in English directly to camera.
10:03:47 10:03:52 00:05 Title: GVS NBL Training
10:03:53 10:07:33 03:40 Pan of pool, Christer and Robert preparing and being lowered via frame, personnel in NBL control room and Christer and Robert in pool ready to commence a training exercise.
10:07:34 10:07:45 00:09 Tile: Briefing Training
10:07:46 10:09:47 02:01 Christer and Robert being briefed, Chri10:00:00 10:00:04 00:04 Title: Christer Fuglesang Briefing at NBL.
10:00:05 10:00:31 00:26 Shots and close upís of individuals in briefing room.
10:00:32 10:00:36 00:04 Title: Christer Fuglesang and Robert Curbeam into space suits by the pool.
10:00:35 10:01:13 00:38 Christer and Robert getting into their suits by the pool.
10:01:14 10:01:19 00:05 Title: I/V Christer Fuglesang in Swedish for Childrensí Channel.
10:01:20 10:03:10 01:50 Close up head shot of Christer talking to interviewer.
10:03:11 10:03:16 00:05 Title: I/V Christer Fuglesang in English on Training.
10:03:17 10:03:46 00:29 Christer speaking in English directly to camera.
10:03:47 10:03:52 00:05 Title: GVS NBL Training
10:03:53 10:07:33 03:40 Pan of pool, Christer and Robert preparing and being lowered via frame, personnel in NBL control room and Christer and Robert in pool ready to commence a training exercise.
10:07:34 10:07:45 00:09 Tile: Briefing Training
10:07:46 10:09:47 02:01 Christer and Robert being briefed, Chri
- Length 01:00:00
- Commercial Use No
- Producer Eduardo Castaneda
- Executive World Television