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Expedition 13 to ISS: Post Flight Presentation
- Video Tape only
- Title Expedition 13 to ISS: Post Flight Presentation
- Released: 01/12/2006
- Language International Sound
- Footage Type
- Copyright ESA
- Description
The Expedition 13 crewmembers, Russian commander Pavel Vonogradov, NASA flight engineer Jeffrey Williams and Brazilian astronaut Marcos Pontes were launched with a Soyuz to the ISS on March 29, 2006.
They conducted 2 space walks (EVA): the first on 1 and 2 June and the second on 3 August, together with Thomas Reiter.
ESA Astronaut Thomas Reiter joined them on July 6, 2006. With his arrival the permanent crew on board ISS went back from 2 to 3 astronauts. Reiter flew to the ISS with the Shuttle Discovery STS-121 Mission.
Commander Pavel Vinogradov and flight engineer Jeffrey Williams returned to Earth on September 28, 2006.
Thomas Reiter stayed on board of the ISS and joined the Expedition 14 crew on September 20, 2006. He returns with the Shuttle Discovery STS-116 Mission on 21 december 2006 as part of the descent crew.
The six-month stay of Expedition 13 will focus on station assembly preparations, maintenance and science in microgravity.
Second space walk of Expedition 13 on 3 August 2006:
Space StatiExpedition 13 Post Flight Presentation - Silent
00.59.45 NASA Title Page
01.00.00 Start Program
01.00.05 Logo Expedition 13 Williams and Vinogradov
01.00.08 Roll out of Soyuz to launch pad and erection of the Soyuz
01.00.22 Nightview of a half Moon over the Kazakhstan plaines
01.00.25 Crew walk out to Soyuz + waving on the stairs before entering the Soyuz
01.00.46 Launch (sound of launch on channel 1) and views inside the Soyuz cockpit (2 shots) and booster separation
01.01.51 Earth view (very blue image with storm clouds)
01.01.58 Full view of ISS seen from Soyuz with all solar panels
01.02.06 Sunrise/sunset in space with the curvature of the Earth lit up in blue, yellow, red.
01.02.10 Soyuz approaching ISS as seen from ISS
01.02.15 Docking procedure with ISS (4 shots): last shot very beautiful: docking as seen from on outside camera attached to the ISS with full view on the Soyuz docking with Earth in background. Unfortunately some drops.
01.02.40 Hatch opening and welcome to expedit