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Report from the Envisat Symposium 2007
- Video Tape only
- Title Report from the Envisat Symposium 2007
- Released: 26/04/2007
- Language English
- Footage Type
- Copyright ESA
- Description
Report from the Envisat Symposium
ESA TV Exchanges
More than 900 scientists from around the world are gathering this week in Montreux, Switzerland, for a five-day symposium to discuss, present and review their findings on Earth observation using data from ESA satellites, in particular Envisat.
This report on the symposium includes new images and soundbites by leading experts:
Johnny Johannessen, NERSC, Norway
Eric Rignot, NASA JPL, USA
John Burrows, Bremen University, Germany
Alan Belward, European Commission JRC, Italy
Barry Parsons, Oxford University, UK
plus ESA's Director of Earth observation, Volker Liebig.
The script is online as a PDF file under
A WMV preview clip is online under SCRIPT ENVISAT SYMPOSIUM 2007
10.00.00 ESA TV Leader
10.00.30 Title
TEXT Welcome to Montreux!
Here, enjoying the unspoilt views of the mountain ranges from this picturesque little town on the Swiss shore of Lake Geneva, it is difficult to imagine that our planet is getting ever more polluted and hotter by the day. But thatís what 900 geoscientists from around the world are here to discuss. For one week from 23 April, the Envisat symposium is presenting the latest results of the European Space Agencyís Earth Observation satellites, and in particular its flagship, Envisat.
Following in the footsteps of ESAís former missions ERS 1 and 2, launched in the 1990s, Envisatís 10 sophisticated optical and radar instruments have in five years produced 500 Terabytes of data, enough to fill 770.000 CD-roms... Its observations of the Earthís land, atmosphere, oceans and ice caps have provided scientists with a greater understanding of the workings of our planet and the
- Length 13:45:00
- Format BETACAM
- Commercial Use No
- Producer Ingrid van de Vijver
- Executive World Wide Pictures