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Giove B
- Video Tape only
- Title Giove B
- Released: 17/03/2008
- Language English
- Footage Type
- Copyright ESA
- Description
Giove B
ESA TV Exchanges
During the night of 26 to 27 April the second Galileo satellite will be launched from Baikonur on top of a Soyuz rocket. GIOVE B will be a satellite very close to the satellites planned for the operational Galileo system to be deployed by 2013. In particular it will carry a high precision atomic clock which, once on orbit, will be the most accurate clock ever flying in space. With this launch the European Space Agency and the European Commission are consolidating the foundations of Galileo, the first global civil positionning system.
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00:00:40:00 Galileo the European satellite navigation system named after Galileo Galilei is back on course after decisions of the European Union on how to finance it. ESA, in partnership with the European Commission, will launch the second Galileo satellite, Giove-B, later this year.
Images-Galileo animation-, followed by Giove-B in clean room Estec.
00:00:58:00 The giove satellites were designed to test the technology, which will finally be used aboard the entire Galileo constellation. This is GIOVE B at ESTEC, the ESA facility in Holland, where it was prepared for its launch with, for example testing of the solar Arrays designed to power the satellite in space. .
Images-Images of solar array in clean room estec.
00:01:17:00 Giove ñB, the second Galileo satellite, will take advantage of the knowledge gathered from the 2 years that Giove-A has spent in orbit. During this time ESA has been able to study how the state-ofthe-art technology aboard Giove ñA has p
- Length 16:14:00
- Commercial Use No
- Producer Ingrid Van de Vijver
- Executive Wolrld Wide Pictures