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Space Debris VNR 2009
- Video Tape only
- Title Space Debris VNR 2009
- Released: 20/02/2009
- Language English
- Footage Type
- Copyright ESA
- Description
Space Debris
VNR 2009
Format 16:9
Following the collision between a defunct Soviet-era Russian spacecraft and an American communications satellite, this Video News Release looks at how space debris is becoming an increasing problem for both commercial operations in space and manned spaceflight. It also details the work that ESA, along with several other space agencies, is carrying out to safeguard the space environment for future users.
For more info on this subject please check the script that is online as a PDF file under :
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More backgroud information can be found on: Debris VNR
10:00:34 (animations space debris)
Space is slowly filling up with junk. As demonstrated on February 10th when a defunct Soviet-era Russian spacecraft collided with an American communications satellite, orbiting debris is becoming an increasing problem for spacecraft operators.
10:01:00 (GVs satellite launch, animations discarded objects)
Of the 6000 or so satellites launched since Sputnik in 1957, only about 800 are currently active. Earth is therefore orbited by a huge number of disused spacecraft, as well as fragments formed when they explode or break up and the discarded objects used to launch them such as rocket stages.
10:01:22 (animations space debris, satellite sent off course; GVs astronauts and the ISS)
Space debris poses a serious threat to both space operations and ñ in the case of manned spaceflight - human safety. A chunk of metal only 10cm in diameter could do untold damage to a spacecraft such as the International Space Station.
10:01:40 (gvs scientists at ESOC)
- Length 14:18:00
- Commercial Use No
- Producer Ingrid Van de Vijver
- Executive World Wide Pictures