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The last visit to Hubble
- Video Tape only
- Title The last visit to Hubble
- Released: 28/04/2009
- Language English
- Footage Type
- Copyright ESA
- Description
The last visit to Hubble
The Hubble Space Telescope, a collaboration between NASA and the European Space Agency, is to get a new lease of life. The Shuttle Atlantis upcoming mission on May 11, STS-125, will be the final servicing flight to the observatory, the most productive and spectacular space telescope ever placed in orbit. Over the years, this mission almost failed to materialise and even last September had to be deferred at the last moment when Hubbles on board systems failed. Now back on the rails, the high-profile missions safety aspects will be followed closely by NASA and by astronomers in Europe and throughout the world.
This A & B-Roll details the mission objectives with an interview with former ESA astronaut Claude Nicollier who has twice taken part in such flights to maintain the Hubble Space Telescope. He describes the risks involved in this mission, training that is required, and his admiration for Hubble data and imagery and 3D animations of the mission operations on the Hubble telescope.The last visit to Hubble
Start tape : 10:00:00
Start A-Roll : 10:01:00
Hubble, a collaboration between NASA and the European Space Agency, is the only space telescope to have been designed to be serviced in space by astronauts.
After it was launched in April 1990 there was great dismay when the telescope failed to focus properly and it was realised that its main mirror had been ground incorrectly.
So the first servicing mission in December 1993 was all the more crucial. ESA astronaut Claude Nicollier was one of Eandeavourís seven astronauts whose task was to install corrective optics.
Claude Nicollier, ESA astronaut (retired)
""Après líembaras que la NASA avait subie díavoir lancé en orbite un telescope dont le miroir principal níavait pas été taillé à la bonne forme, on nous a bien fait comprendre que pour cette première mission de visite de Hubble, il fallait réussir à tout prix.""
""After NASAís embarrassment of having orbited a telescope with a bad mirror, it was made clea
- Length 14:03:00
- Commercial Use No
- Producer Ingrid Van de Vyver
- Executive World Wide Pictures