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XMM 10 years
- Video Online only
- Title XMM 10 years
- Released: 01/03/2010
- Length 00:04:28
- Language English
- Footage Type Documentary
- Copyright ESA
- Description
From our solar system to the furthest reaches of the Universe, the European Space Agency's X-ray observatory is providing science data that never cease to amaze. XMM-Newton, which has just celebrated its tenth anniversary, has changed the way we think of space. The spacecraft and its science instruments are still functioning well and the mission has been extended to 2012. This A & B-roll recaps on the space observatory's decade of discoveries, with illustrative examples in all fields of astronomy. The subject also includes interview clips with Norbert Schartel, XMM-Newton Project scientist at ESA and Frank Haberl, Senior Scientist at the High-Energy Group of the Max Planck Institute, Garching."