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Paolo Nespoli's mission summary
- Video Online only
- Title Paolo Nespoli's mission summary
- Released: 20/05/2011
- Length 00:05:37
- Language English
- Footage Type Documentary
- Copyright ESA
- Description
Last 24 May, ESA astronaut Paolo Nespoli came back to Earth with his crewmates Dimitri Kondratiev and Cady Coleman in a Soyuz capsule landing in the desert of Kazakhstan.
This marked the end of the third ESA long duration mission aboard the International Space Station.
Launched from Baikonur last 15 December Paolo Nespoli conducted scientific experiments and participated in the very busy activities in and around the ISS, including an in-flight call with His Holiness Benedict XVI live from the Vatican.
The video recalls the past months in space for the ESA astronaut.