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Martian pizza and other creative cookery with Mars500
- Video Online only
- Title Martian pizza and other creative cookery with Mars500
- Released: 26/08/2011
- Length 00:03:22
- Language English
- Footage Type Interior Shot
- Copyright ESA
- Description
Our brave marsonauts may face the most monotonous phase of their mission, but they're not bored because they are not boring! Have a look at their inventive cookery to mark their one full year in the isolation!
In early June the Mars500 crew reached one full year inside the modules simulating an interplanetary spaceship. They are now flying virtually back to Earth and due to a delay in communications, introduced to make the simulation more real, some material reaches the outside world slowly. As they get nearer to Earth the communications delayed is reduced. By September the ship will be only two months away from the Earth.