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Economy of Space
- Video Online only
- Title Economy of Space
- Released: 04/12/2012
- Length 00:04:19
- Language English
- Footage Type Documentary
- Copyright ESA
- Description
Space is fully a part of our daily lives even though we are not always aware of it.
Space can now be considered a true "economy" and is a source of jobs and innovations. The recent ESA Ministerial Council in Naples clearly demonstrated that ESA can be a great tool to boost growth and competitiveness.
Despite the difficult economic situation, Ministers from 20 ESA Member States decided to allocate more than €10billion in space and space research over the next 5 years.
This video illustrates some of the economic and social benefits of space in the modern world.More background information can be found on:
The MPEG-2 files are on the ESA ftp server in the folder entitled: