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Replay Earth Explorer 7 User Consultation Meeting (Part 4)
- Video Online only
- Title Replay Earth Explorer 7 User Consultation Meeting (Part 4)
- Released: 11/03/2013
- Length 01:13:51
- Language English
- Footage Type Interior Shot
- Copyright ESA
- Description
On 5–6 March 2013, leading scientists from around the world gathered at the Earth Explorer User Consultation Meeting in Graz, Austria, to discuss which one of three mission concepts should be built as ESA’s seventh Earth Explorer.
The meeting provided the opportunity for the scientific community to listen to presentations on each candidate mission and debate the merits of each in terms of technical viability and value to science.
The three missions discussed are called Biomass, CoReH2O and Premier. The Biomass concept aims to observe global forest biomass for a better understanding of the carbon cycle, CoReH2O aims to observe snow and ice for a better understanding of the water cycle and Premier aims to observe the composition of the atmosphere for a better understanding of the relationship between atmospheric chemistry and climate.The video can be seen in seven parts:
Part 1: Opening of meeting & Biomass objectives and technical concept presentations
Part 2: Biomass scientific and programmatic presentations, and Q&A
Part 3: CoReH2O objectives and technical presentations
Part 4: CoReH2O scientific and programmatic presentations, and Q&A
Part 5: Premier objectives and technical presentations
Part 6: Premier scientific and programmatic presentations, and Q&A
Part 7: General discussion on all three candidate Earth Explorer 7 missions