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REACT exercise 2013
- Video Online only
- Title REACT exercise 2013
- Released: 26/06/2013
- Length 00:01:30
- Language English
- Footage Type Exterior shot
- Copyright Skytek
- Description
Keeping all lines of communications open during a crisis is critical – and the Dublin Fire Brigade has shown how this can be done using satellite and hybrid technologies. The REACT system was tested in a civil defence exercise involving Dublin Fire Brigade, Gardaí (Irish Police), Civil Defence, Irish Coastguard and Royal National Lifeboat Institute.
REACT, or Resource for Emergency services to Access Command and control data using satellite and hybrid Technologies, is a project co-funded by ESA’s ARTES 3–4 satcom applications programme.
It provides secure and reliable exchange of information between emergency personnel on the scene and their command and control centre during a crisis and incidents such as car accidents.