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Living Planet 2013 - New mission concepts (part 2)
- Video Online only
- Title Living Planet 2013 - New mission concepts (part 2)
- Released: 13/09/2013
- Length 01:43:50
- Language English
- Footage Type Live Footage
- Copyright ESA
- Description
Held in Edinburgh, UK, the Living Planet Symposium 2013 brought together scientists and users from across the globe to present their latest findings on Earth’s environment and climate derived from satellite data.
Special sessions were dedicated to ESA’s programmes an initiatives, as well as the upcoming series of Sentinel satellites being developed for Europe’s Global Monitoring for Environment and Security programme, Copernicus.
Videos of the following sessions are available:
Opening plenary session
Climate Change Initiative: Societal benefits and impacts
Climate Change Initiative: Essential Climate Variables requirements
Sentinel-1 mission
Sentinel-1 potential application domains
Sentinel-2 mission
Sentinel-2 potential applications and services
Sentinel-3 mission
Sentinel-3 potential applications and services
New mission concepts I
New mission concepts II