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ESA Euronews: Philae's adventure
- Video Online only
- Title ESA Euronews: Philae's adventure
- Released: 21/11/2014
- Length 00:08:30
- Language English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Greek, Hungarian
- Footage Type Documentary
- Copyright ESA/Euronews
- Description
The Philae lander may be in hibernation mode on the surface of a comet, but it's still very much alive in the hearts of the Comet Hunters, the team who helped Rosetta become the most famous space mission since the Moon landings. In this special edition of Euronews Space we have an extended episode of our Comet Hunters series, filmed during and after the comet landing at ESA's base in Darmstadt and at the DLR's Philae control room in Köln.