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Watch special ‘Astrophotographer’ Luca Parmitano
- Video Online only
- Title Watch special ‘Astrophotographer’ Luca Parmitano
- Released: 31/10/2014
- Length 00:52:12
- Language Italian
- Footage Type Live Footage
- Copyright ESA
- Description
ESA Astronaut – or rather, Astrophotographer – Luca Parmitano showed and commented on some of his pictures of the Earth, taken from the International Space Station. He explained the challenges he faced. Luca spent six months on the International Space Station conducting experiments and keeping the orbital outpost running with 5 other astronauts. In his spare time, he photographed our world from 400 km above, looking out of the Station’s panoramic Cupola. Orbiting at 28 800 km/h, Luca was privileged to see our planet from a unique perspective.