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Cold Facts
- Video Online only
- Title Cold Facts
- Released: 18/03/2015
- Length 00:04:36
- Language English
- Footage Type Documentary
- Copyright Cold Facts
- Description
Founded by Dutch polar explorer Marc Cornelissen, Cold Facts supports scientific research in the polar regions. Cold Facts made a major contribution to ESA’s 2014 Arctic campaign – a field campaign that was dedicated to ensuring the CryoSat satellite is delivering accurate information on ice thickness. As part of the team on the sea ice north of Greenland, they took snow and ice measurements while teams in aircraft used various sensors to measure the ice from above. These measurements are then compared with actual satellite data to understand and correct for error sources. As well as being essential for validating the satellite data, this last Arctic expedition played an important part in ESA’s upcoming CryoSat data product release.
Read full article: Ice venturers yield results for CryoSat