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Planetary Defence Conference Day 01 - Part 02
- Video Online only
- Title Planetary Defence Conference Day 01 - Part 02
- Released: 13/04/2015
- Length 01:43:26
- Language English
- Footage Type Interior Shot
- Copyright ESA
- Description
Live webcast recorded during PDC 2015.
ESA hosted the International Academy of Astronautic’s 4th Planetary Defence Conference (PDC 2015), entitled ‘Assessing Impact Risk & Managing Response’, at the Agency’s ESRIN establishment, near Rome, 13–17 April 2015. PDC 2015 is a forum for the world’s top experts from space agencies, academia and industry to present the latest research and discuss current scientific understanding of the risk posed by asteroids that could potentially strike our planet.
More information
Watch all the video replays of the daily sessions
Speakers and chairmen during day 1 of the event (in alphabetical order):
Alan Harris
Amanda Mainzer
Bhavya Lal
Boris Shustov
Claudio Maccone
Daniel Hestroffer
Davide Farnocchia
Detlef Koschny
Dmitrii Vavilov
Fabio Ferrari
Federica Spoto
Gerhard Drolshagen
Harold Reitsema
James Bauer
José Luis Galache
Lindley Johnson
Line Drube
Makoto Yoshikawa
Marco Micheli
Mirel Birlan
Nicolas Bobrinsky
Oleg Atkov
Paolo Tanga
Paul Chodas
Richard Tremayne
Richard Wainscoat
Sergii Khlamov
Simone Ieva
Stephen Larson
Thomas Widemann
Tommy Grav
William Ailor