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Planetary Defence Conference Day 04 - Part 01
- Video Online only
- Title Planetary Defence Conference Day 04 - Part 01
- Released: 16/04/2015
- Length 01:26:29
- Language English
- Footage Type Live Footage
- Copyright ESA
- Description
Live webcast recorded during PDC 2015. ESA hosted the International Academy of Astronautic’s 4th Planetary Defence Conference (PDC 2015), entitled ‘Assessing Impact Risk & Managing Response’, at the Agency’s ESRIN establishment, near Rome, 13–17 April 2015. PDC 2015 is a forum for the world’s top experts from space agencies, academia and industry to present the latest research and discuss current scientific understanding of the risk posed by asteroids that could potentially strike our planet.
More information all the video replays of the daily sessions
Speakers and chairmen during day 4 of the event (in alphabetical order):
Alex Karl
Brent Barbee
Clemens Rumpf
Detlef Koschny
Donovan Mathias
Elisabeth Paté-Cornell
Hannes Mayer
James Burke
Jason Reinhardt
Kilian Engel
Linda Billings
Line Drube
Madhu Thangavelu
Margaret Race
Maria Gritsevich
Mark Boslough
Martin Muller
Matthew Marcus
Michele Gates
Paul Abell
Piyush Mehta
Rhiannon Blaauw
Rob Hermsen
Souheil Ezzedine
Thomas Statler
William Ailor
William Cooke