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SmallGEO: small platform, big future
- Video Online only
- Title SmallGEO: small platform, big future
- Released: 11/01/2017
- Length 00:01:12
- Language English, German, Spanish
- Footage Type Documentary
- Copyright ESA
- Description
SmallGEO is a multipurpose geostationary satellite platform capable of accommodating a wide range of commercial telecommunication payloads and missions. Its new, modular and flexible design boosts European industry’s ability to play a significant role in commercial satcoms by easing entry into the telecom satellite market. It does so by speeding up the production and testing processes, reducing costs and broadening the range of design options to chemical, electric and hybrid propulsion.
SmallGEO’s first flight is on Spanish operator Hispasat’s Hispasat 36W-1. H36W-1 provides Europe, the Canary Islands and South America with faster multimedia services through its Redsat payload, offering better signal quality and flexible land coverage.