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ESA Euronews: Icy mysteries of Pluto
- Video Online only
- Title ESA Euronews: Icy mysteries of Pluto
- Released: 17/02/2017
- Length 00:08:30
- Language English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Greek, Hungarian
- Footage Type Documentary
- Copyright ESA/Euronews
- Description
Pluto turns out to be far more weird than anyone ever expected, with all kinds of unexplained phenomena on the surface.
We sought out some of Europe’s finest ice planet experts to find out more:
Pluto has been a mystery since it was discovered in 1930.
First called a planet, then re-classified as a dwarf planet in 2006, the more we learn, the more it captures the imagination of scientists like ESA’s Elliot Sefton-Nash.