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SOHO’s view
- Video Online only
- Title SOHO’s view
- Released: 15/08/2017
- Length 00:00:04
- Language English
- Footage Type Close-up
- Copyright ESA
- Description
The 14 October 2014 coronal mass ejection (CME) was associated with a medium-class X-ray flare (M1.1 on the solar flare classification scale), closely followed by a longer M2.2 flare from the same region. The flares were behind the eastern limb of the Sun as seen from Earth. The eruption started around 18:30 GMT and was followed by bright post-eruption loops that continued to increase in height and persisted for more than one day.
The movie is a composite of images captured by the ESA/NASA SOHO over a range of distances from the Sun. The inner yellow image is an extreme ultraviolet image of the solar disc, the middle red image is from the LASCO C2 coronagraph covering the distance of about 2–6 solar radii, and the outer blue image is from LASCO C3, covering the reach of the CME to greater distances.