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Clean Space: how much do space activities pollute?
- Video Online only
- Title Clean Space: how much do space activities pollute?
- Released: 10/01/2018
- Length 00:01:10
- Language English
- Footage Type Animation
- Copyright ESA (Genevieve Porter) – Marianne Tricot (Ecole Estienne Paris)
- Description
To assess the environment impacts of space missions, ESA’s Clean Space initiative began by looking at the impact of launchers then progressed to the entire mission life-cycle: from design to demise. So began the Eco-design initiative. Clean Space has developed methods to assess the environmental consequences of each phase of a space mission, resulting in a ‘life cycle assessment’ method that is being applied to all future ESA missions before their design begins.
To learn more about Clean Space, check out the team's blog