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Successful first test of the Ariane 6 Vulcain 2.1 engine
- Video Online only
- Title Successful first test of the Ariane 6 Vulcain 2.1 engine
- Released: 23/01/2018
- Length 00:01:48
- Language English
- Footage Type Music Clip
- Copyright ArianeGroup
- Description
The first hot firing of Ariane 6’s Vulcain 2.1 main engine was performed in January 2018 at the DLR German Aerospace Center test facility in Lampoldshausen, Germany.
The engine, developed by ArianeGroup, has a simplified and more robust nozzle, a gas generator made through additive manufacturing, and an oxygen heater for oxygen tank pressurisation. These features lower the cost of the engine and simplify manufacturing.