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Earth’s magnetic song during calm space weather conditions
- Video Online only
- Title Earth’s magnetic song during calm space weather conditions
- Released: 18/11/2019
- Length 00:00:13
- Language English
- Footage Type Graphic
- Copyright ESA/Cluster; L. Turc et al. (2019); Audio: Martin Archer, Queen Mary University of London, CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO
- Description
The magnetic waves measured by ESA’s Cluster mission in the magnetic foreshock above Earth – the first region of our planet’s magnetic environment that solar wind particles encounter – during calm space weather conditions. The video contains a ‘sonification’ of the magnetic waves in the undisturbed foreshock, obtained by transforming the frequencies of these magnetic waves into audible signals. In the undisturbed foreshock, the sounds are very low pitch and monotonous.