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Space 19+: Understanding the Universe
- Video Online only
- Title Space 19+: Understanding the Universe
- Released: 26/11/2019
- Length 00:03:00
- Language English
- Footage Type TV Exchanges
- Copyright ESA
- Description
Space19+, the ESA Council at Ministerial level, takes place on 27 and 28 November in Seville, Spain.
Ministers from ESA’s Member States, along with Associate Member Slovenia and Cooperating State Canada, will gather to discuss future space activities for Europe and the budget of Europe’s space agency for the next three years.
ESA is seeking an increase in funding for the mandatory programme supported by all Member States, and for an ambitious portfolio of optional programmes. These are structured along four main pillars: science and exploration, safety and security, applications and enabling and support activities.
This proposal carries an overarching motto of Inspiration, Competitiveness and Responsibility.
This video explains the challenges in Seville for science, including a new cometary mission and missions to investigate Earth-like planets outside our Solar System.
- Script
Space 19+ understanding the universe_FINAL_TC-OK.doc