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#AskLuca: colds and flu in space
- Video Online only
- Title #AskLuca: colds and flu in space
- Released: 29/03/2020
- Length 00:02:23
- Language English
- Footage Type Documentary
- Copyright ESA - European Space Agency
- Description
ESA astronaut Luca Parmitano spent 201 days in orbit as part of his Beyond mission to the International Space Station. In this clip, he discusses how astronauts manage the risk of colds and flu on the International Space Station.
This question was asked on social media and is part of a larger interview for the Beyond series of the ESA Explores podcast. The full podcast episode is available via all major podcast platforms including Podbean, Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify and SoundCloud.
For more about Luca Parmitano and his Beyond mission, visit the Exploration blog: