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Vega lifts off
- Video Online only
- Title Vega lifts off
- Released: 04/09/2020
- Length 00:00:59
- Language English
- Footage Type Exterior shot
- Copyright ESA/CNES/Arianespace
- Description
On 2 September 2020, Vega flight VV16 lifted off from Europe's Spaceport in French Guiana to progressively deliver 53 light satellites into Sun-synchronous orbits at 515 km and 530 km altitude on a mission lasting 124 minutes.
This proof-of-concept flight demonstrates and validates a new rideshare launch service for light satellites using the Small Spacecraft Mission Service (SSMS) dispenser developed by ESA. The SSMS is light and has a modular design that can be configured to meet the requirements of the mission, securing anything from the smallest 1 kg CubeSats up to 500 kg minisatellites.
There were 21 customers sharing this launch.
ESA has contributed to the development of four payloads on board – the 113 kg ESAIL microsatellite and three CubeSats: Simba, Picasso and FSSCat which carries pioneering AI technology named Φ-sat-1.