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Thomas Pesquet Proxima Mission B-Rolls:
ISS Tour - Crew Quarters
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- Video file technical details: mp4
- ESA Video for professionals – Conditions of use
- Title Thomas Pesquet Proxima Mission B-Rolls - ISS Tour - Crew Quarters
- Length 00:01:35
- Footage Type TV Exchanges
- Additional Formats:
- Copyright ESA/NASA
- Use Restriction ,
- Description
Thomas Pesquet prixma Mission
December 2016
Thomas Pesquet’s space bedroom
ESA astronaut Thomas Pesquet gives a guided tour of the International Space Station’s crew quarters – the bedrooms and only private areas for the six astronauts in the outpost.
After a day’s work running experiments and maintaining the weightless research centre astronauts can retreat to their private quarters that is no larger than a changing room. In this small space they can store personal items, use a laptop for internet and float to sleep in their sleeping bag.
Credit: ESA/NASA