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A simulator for marine litter observation from space
- Video Online only
- Title A simulator for marine litter observation from space
- Released: 11/05/2023
- Length 00:06:55
- Language English
- Footage Type Documentary
- Copyright ARGANS
- Description
This project designed a breadboard for end-to-end Marine Litter Optical Performance Simulations (ML-OPSI) to support Earth observation scientists with the design of computational experiments for operations research. The ML-OPSI breadboard estimates marine litter signal at top-of-atmosphere from a set of bottom-of-atmosphere scenarios, representing the various case studies by the community (e.g., windrows, frontal areas, river mouths, sub-tropical gyres), coming from synthetic data or from real observations.
The breadboard is a modular, pluggable and extensible framework, promoting re-use and possible to adapt to different missions, sensors and scenarios. Find out more here.
The project was funded through the Discovery element of ESA’s Basic Activities. It was selected through an Open Space Innovation Platform (OSIP) call for ideas on remote sensing of plastic marine litter.
Access the other Final presentations of ESA Discovery element activities videos.