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EarthCARE instruments: explained
- Video Online only
- Title EarthCARE instruments: explained
- Released: 28/11/2023
- Length 00:02:21
- Language English
- Footage Type Animation
- Copyright ESA/ATG Medialab
- Description
Kotska Wallace, EarthCARE’s Mission and Optical Payload Manager, explains how the satellite's unique set of four instruments provides a complete view of the interplay between clouds, aerosols and radiation.
The EarthCARE multispectral imager instrument provides an overview in multiple wavelengths to set the scene. The cloud profiling radar detects vertical motion within clouds – providing details on their internal dynamics. Its atmospheric lidar detects the top of clouds and provides profiles of the atmosphere with information on aerosols while its broadband radiometer measures reflected sunlight and heat radiated from Earth.
The data generated by EarthCARE's instruments contribute significantly to advancing our understanding of the interactions between clouds, aerosols and radiation in Earth’s atmosphere.