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Space Team Europe for EarthCARE: Annkatrin Schaube
- Video Online only
- Title Space Team Europe for EarthCARE: Annkatrin Schaube
- Released: 25/05/2024
- Length 00:09:40
- Language French
- Footage Type Documentary
- Copyright ESA - European Space Agency
- Description
EarthCARE, the Earth Cloud Aerosol and Radiation Explorer, satellite carries a set of four instruments to make a range of different measurements that together will shed new light on the role that clouds and aerosols play in regulating Earth’s climate. One of these instruments is the atmospheric lidar.
In this video, Annkatrin Schaube, ATLID Operations Architect at Airbus, talks about EarthCARE’s Atmospheric Lidar (ATLID) instrument – an advanced light detection and ranging system designed to measure the vertical profile of aerosols and clouds in Earth’s atmosphere along the EarthCARE track.
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