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Revealed: glacier ice loss over two decades
- Video Online only
- Title Revealed: glacier ice loss over two decades
- Released: 19/02/2025
- Length 00:03:58
- Language English
- Footage Type Documentary
- Copyright ESA/University of Zurich/Planetary Visions
- Description
As part of a community effort, the Glacier Mass Balance Intercomparison Exercise, Glambie, has compiled all major studies using observations from a wealth of different techniques to provide an estimate of the world’s glacier mass change over the last two decades. The results, published in the journal Nature, show that ice melting from glaciers around the world is depleting regional freshwater resources and driving global sea levels to rise at ever-faster rates. The animation here illustrates the different observation methods used in the research, and Vatnajökull in Iceland as an example.
Read full story: Glacier melt intensifying freshwater loss and accelerating sea-level rise