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Envisat Compilations - Managing Natural Disasters
- Video Tape only
- Title Envisat Compilations - Managing Natural Disasters
- Released: 24/02/2011
- Language English
- Footage Type Documentary
- Copyright ESA
- Description
This compilation of Envisat Application stories focuses on the role the satellite will play during natural disasters and includes the follwing 3 programmes:
- Forest Fires
- Floods
- Earthquakes
All 3 stories feature a 5 min split audio A-roll with English commentary and a longer B-roll with clean international sound.MANAGING NATURAL DISASTERS
00:00 SLATE A-Roll
Company - Joint Research Centre
Application - Fires
Fire! damaging not only to the landscape but to wildlife and the whole natural ecosystem of our world; emitting heavy concentrations of both greenhouse gases and toxic smoke particles into the atmosphere.
In the summer season the forests in Europe have to endure very high temperatures making the risk of forest fires extremely high. It is during this fire season that operating fire-fighting centres in the Southern ESA member states have to be extremely vigilant.
The European Commission - aware of the increasing impact of forest fire in
Europe - set up a research group in 1997 to work specifically on developing
and implementing methods for the assessment and the evaluation of risk with regard to forest fire. This group is working as the part of the Natural Hazards project of the Space Applications part of the Joint Research Centre.
Increasingly, with the utilisation of satellite dat