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Exosat Index VAVME
- Video Online + Tape
- Title Exosat Index VAVME
- Released: 24/02/2011
- Length 01:01:22
- Language English
- Footage Type Index
- Copyright ESA
- Description
Base material covering Exosat and related material concerning astrophysics. Includes the film ""Exosat And The Violent Universe"".
00:02:37:00 ESA opening sequence
00:02:59:00 title: What is the Violent Universe?
00:03:07:00 star map
00:03:24:00 animation collapse of red colossus
00:04:05:00 animation spinning neutron star
00:04:25:00 Exosat image Cassiopeia A with question mark
00:04:27:00 title: a Brief History of X-ray Astronomy
00:04:38:00 animation SS433
00:04:45:00 portrait
00:04:56:00 image galaxy
00:05:11:00 computer image single star system
00:05:25:00 image Sun arc
00:05:28:00 gvs Japanese rocket launch
00:05:42:00 animation moonrise
00:05:56:00 star map, Scorpius X1 highlighted
00:06:19:00 title: Then What happened?
00:06:29:00 ms tilt up rocket launch
00:06:48:00 operators with computers
00:06:58:00 Exosat image
00:07:08:00 animation spacecraft pulled into black hole
00:07:16:00 moving star background
00:07:33:00 var s scientists discuss formulae on blackboard
00:07:43:00 title: Why Go Into Space?
00:07:54:00 animation solar spectrum
00:08:20:00 title: What Was Exosat?
00:08:31:00 animation Ex
- Length 13:20:00
- Format BETACAM
- Commercial Use No
- Author Philip Saunders
- Director Philip Saunders
- Executive Aspen Spafax TV
- Post-production Digital Visions