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MSG Video Index May 1998
- Video Tape only
- Title MSG Video Index May 1998
- Released: 24/02/2011
- Language Natural Sound
- Footage Type Documentary
- Copyright ESA
- Description
Cleanroom footage [recorded at Aerospatiale in France and ESTEC in the Netherlands] and animations of ESA's Meteosat Second Generation weather satellite, due for launch in the year 2000.
10:00:00:00 ESA opening titles
10:00:31:00 title: Meteosat Second Generation [MSG] Video Index May 1998
10:00:36:00 MSG at ESTEC cleanroom footage
10:02:54:00 tilting MSG to vertical [speeded-up approx. 3000%]
10:03:27:00 unpacking MSG [speeded-up approx. 3000%]
10:04:05:00 MSG being prepared for Large Space Simulator [LSS] tests
10:18:00:00 MSG entering the LSS [speeded-up approx. 3000%]
10:18:52:00 MSG entering the LSS
10:21:15:00 MSG inside the LSS being prepared for tests
10:22:27:00 MSG rotating inside the LSS
10:28:14:00 MSG design and construction at Aerospatiale, Cannes
10:32:06:00 MSG computer animation sequence
10:32:23:00 end