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Post flight presentation of expedition 10
- Video Online + Tape
- Title Post flight presentation of expedition 10
- Released: 24/02/2011
- Length 00:18:35
- Language English
- Footage Type Documentary
- Copyright ESA
- Description
Post flight presentation of expedition 10. Voice over by American mission commander, Leroy Chiao.
Expedition 10 Post Flight Presentation
Voice over by Leroy Chiao, commander Exp 10
00:58:53 BARS
00:59:45 TITLE
01:00:00 OPENING TITLE NASA then logo Exp 10
01:00:11 Baikonour, soyuz rocket from assembly building towards the launch pad
01:00:52 Signing historic door
01:00:56 Checking suit and reporting to the commission
01:01:12 going to the rocket and climbing the stairs to the rocket
01:01:56 Sunrise on launch pad
01:02:00 Launch sequence
01:02:57 Earthview
01:03:12 Docking sequence
01:03:58 Meeting exp 9 crew onboard ISS
01:04:10 Departure of exp 9
01:04:38 Undocking soyuz
01:05:35 tour of the space station
01:06:19 In Destiny laboratory
01:06:26 Caring for the plant
01:06:33 More science research
01:06:42 Floating
01:06:48 More science research
01:07:25 Doing salto at high speed towards the camera
01:07:33 Taking pictures through the window and Earth views
01:08:48 Earthview : darkspot is the eclipse at the surface of Earth
01:08:55 Sport on board
01:09:17 Eating and drinking
01:09:35 C