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Returns From Space
- Video Online + Tape
- Title Returns From Space
- Released: 24/02/2011
- Length 00:26:09
- Language English
- Footage Type Documentary
- Copyright NASA
- Description
A 1960s documentary which deals with the concept of technology transfer - reaping the benefits, on Earth, of scientific advances made through space research. Topics covered: the concept of affluent society, people shopping, street scenes, cinema, construction etc; research and development - scientists working, electronic vehicle, rocket construction, EVA and landing module retrieval from sea, American rocket launch with in-flight footage of booster separation; rocket construction, building construction; operator navigates small model of landing module; rotation of satellite; photographs of cloud images taken from space; Hurricane pictures taken from unmanned Mercury spacecraft; satellite launch and in-orbit animation; using freeze-dried food whilst camping; rocket on launchpad; transfer of stages of Saturn rocket by Super Guppy freight plane; traditional methods of shaping metal, new method using electromagnetically-formed metal without heat or pressure; plane lands on wet runway, hydroplane tests at Langley
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