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Skylab Space Station 1
- Video Online + Tape
- Title Skylab Space Station 1
- Released: 24/02/2011
- Length 00:27:01
- Language English
- Footage Type Documentary
- Copyright NASA
- Description
Skylab was launched on May 14th, 1973. This documentary focusses on the benefits gained from the mission, and from manned spaceflight in general. Topics covered include: interviews with various NASA astronauts [ Paul Wietz, Gerald Carr, Owen Garriott, William Pogue, Alan Bean, Joseph Kerwin, Edward Gibson, Jack Lousma, Charles Conrad]; the launch of Skylab, and subsequent development of a temporary replacement for the meteorite shield lost 60 seconds into the flight; the repair mission launch on May 25th, 1973; in-flight footage illustrating the damage to Skylab and its repair [including extra-vehicular activity]; various in-flight biomedical, solar science and physics experiments carried out over the three missions; general in-orbit footage of washing, cleaning, eating etc.; views of Earth, including climatic conditions, plankton and rivers; and the final undocking from Skylab, followed by splashdown and disembarking of astronauts.
- Length 02:59:00
- Format BETACAM
- Commercial Use No
- Producer NASA
- Executive AV Corporation, Houston