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The Living Planet VNR
- Video Online + Tape
- Title The Living Planet VNR
- Released: 24/02/2011
- Length 00:02:15
- Language English
- Footage Type VNR
- Copyright ESA
- Description
Embargoed until 06/07/99 - when the Living Planet programme will be launched, in London - this VNR summarises ESA's new Living Planet programme of Earth Observation. The aim of this programme is to build upon the success of previous programmes - such as Metesoat and ERS - with two new types of mission, named Earth Explorer and Earth Watch.
The VNR contains graphics to illustrate these missions, as well as contemporary and historical footage describing ESA's involvement in the global Earth Observation market.Living Planet Shotlist
10 :00 :12 :00 conditions of use/opening titles
10 :01 :01 :00 contents page
10 :01 :10 :00 A-roll
10 :03 :27 :00 Caption : B-roll, Mission Graphics
10 :03 :36 :00 Graphics of a proposed Earth Explorer mission: GOCE (Global Ocean Circulation Experiment) scans the Earth
10 :03 :41 :00 GOCE readings on globe
10 :03 :51 :00 GOCE scans the Earth [with wobble of its orbit shown due to the gravity field variations]
10 :04 :01 :00 'Potato Earth' exaggerated representation of gravimetric data from ESA's ERS-1 satellite
10 :04 :20 :00 Earth Watch graphics : proposed Euroskymed satellite constellation in orbit
10 :04 :32 :00 Euroskymed satellite's eye view of Earth, with zi and tracking to find simulated interferogram of volcano
10 :05 :12 :00 Simulated satellite image of forest fires
10 :05 :34 :00 Simulated satellite image of agricultural shrinkage
10 :05 :57 :00 Caption : Hurricane Mitch Graphics
10 :06 :02 :00 sequence : zi to central America [Honduras and Nicaragua], sate
- Length 18:56:00
- Commercial Use No
- Producer Jason Skriniar
- Executive Medialink