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VIDEO FILE 31/01/01 - NEAR, ISS PAO, Topex/Poseidon
- Video Online + Tape
- Title VIDEO FILE 31/01/01 - NEAR, ISS PAO, Topex/Poseidon
- Released: 24/02/2011
- Length 00:33:44
- Language English
- Footage Type Documentary
- Copyright ESA
- Description
NASA-TV Vido File featuring NEAR/Shoemaker animations, Interview with Expedition One Crew on board the ISS, and animations made from Topex/Poseidon data.
Chapter 1:
History's first attempt to land a spacecraft on an asteroied took place successfully at 19.01 (GMT) on 12 February, when NASA's mission controllers dropped the NEAR Shoemaker probe to a soft landing on the astroid Eros. The 495-Kilogram probe descended from its orbit around the asteroid and slide gently onto the rocky suface. Since its launch in 1996, NEAR Shoemaker has produced a wealth of scientific data on asteroieds. This chapter of the Video File features 3-D graphics of NEAR Shoemaker and of the asteroid EROS and soundbites by NEAR project manager and project scientist.
Chapter 2:
On the 2 November 2000 the Expedition One Crew were succesfully launched to the International Space Station on board the Soyez capsule. They have now successfully inhabited the ISS for three out the four months of there intended stay. This chapter is a live i00:27:42:00 3-D animation NEAR Shoemaker orbiting around the asteroied EROS
00:28:51:00 3-D animation NEAR Shoemaker descending and landing on EROS
00:30:00:00 Interview Dr Andrew F Cheng, NEAR Mission Scientist
00:32:13:00 Interview Dr Robert W Farquhar, NEAR Mission Director
00:34:37:00 3-D animation of EROS resulting from NEAR data
00:40:17:00 Interview with Expedition One Crew (30/01/2001) by Florida Today and KHOU-TV
00:53:01:00 3-D animations of Topex/Poseidon Satellite
00:54:32:00 Topex/Poseidon latest image
00:55:29:00 Topex/Poseidon Global animation
01:00:27:00 Interview Dr William Patzert, Oceanographer
01:01:23:00 End of Video File