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The space industry meets to exchange views

21/11/2003 269 views 0 likes
ESA / About Us / Business with ESA

ESA PR 78-2003. Over 600 representatives of more than 320 European companies will gather at ESA’s research and technology centre (ESTEC) on 24-26 November for Industry Space Days.

These Industry Space Days are organised every two years by ESA to exchange views with industry and promote the networking needed to achieve ESA's goals of international competitiveness and balanced participation by all categories of firms in ESA Member States.

"ISD 2003 comes at a key moment : industry and institutions have to adapt to a challenging environment" says Dr Hans Kappler, ESA Director of Industrial Matters and Technology Programmes and ISD chairman.

"ESA has a new Director General, the European Union recognises the need for a policy on space, covering civil and security needs, the commercial market in satellites and launchers is suffering from a severe economic downturn and industry is reacting by restructuring to secure its competitiveness", he added.

The opening plenary session of ISD 2003, on Monday 24 November, will provide industry with first-hand information about developments on the various issues that are transforming the business environment for the whole space industry, from satellite manufacturers to telecommunications operators and final applications developers and users.

At that session the Director General of ESA, Jean-Jacques Dordain, will present his objectives for the development of ESA over the next 4 years.

A senior representative of the European Commission will present the European space policy set out in the recently published White Paper. Mrs Pascale Sourisse, President of Eurospace and CEO of Alcatel Space, will present industry's view and analysis of the changes that lie ahead.

Dr Kappler will present the outlook for institutional markets in Europe and explain ESA's industrial policy. Mr Marc Giget, President of Euroconsult, will present forecasts for the space applications commercial market.

The three-day ISD 2003 event includes thematic conferences, round tables, workshops, exhibitions and meetings among industry representatives. The full programme can be found on the web via the link from the ESA industry portal .

Media representatives wishing to attend are kindly requested to complete the attached accreditation form and return it by fax or by e-mail to :

Sylvie Pépin, ESA Headquarters, Paris
Tel.+ 33(0)
Fax.+ 33(0)

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